Elusive Quickhoof

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Reins of the Elusive Quickhoof

Family: Alpaca

Type: Rare Spawn

Faction: Both

Zone: Vol’dun

Obtained From: Elusive Quickhoof

Recommended Level: Level 50

Skill Level: 2/10

Respawn Time: 2-6 hours

Drop Chance: 100%

Elusive Quickhoof
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The Elusive Quickhoof mount comes from finding the Elusive Quickhoof within Vol’dun and feeding it Seaside Leafy Greens Mix. Feeding the Elusive Quickhoof once will award you with the mount on a 100% drop rate.

The Seaside Leafy Greens Mix can be purchased in Vol’dun from Tuka who can be found at Tortaka Refuge, although various other vendors sell this item too, even the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.

With Seaside Leafy Greens Mix in your inventory, the next step is to find the Elusive Quickhoof. It is on a fairly long respawn timer of between 2-6 hours and only stays around for about 10 minutes after spawning. Although during this 10 minutes, anyone can interact with and get the mount, there is no cap on how many players can receive the mount.

To make things even more difficult, it spawns in multiple spots across Vol’dun, making finding it solo quite the challenge.

The above map marks the noted spawned locations. If you have TomTom then you can also use this macro provided by BleuElf

/run if TomTom then for _,v in next,({{26,52},{28,65},{31,67},{42,60},{43,69},{51,85},{52,89},{54,83},{54,53},{55,73}})do TomTom:AddWaypoint(864,v[1]/100,v[2]/100,{title="Alpaca"})end;end

We would recommend trying to find a group or list your own group for finding the Elusive Quichhook as you can assign spawn locations for each member which will ensure you don’t miss a spawn.

It’s also probably worth having a macro of “/Target Elusive Quickhoof” so that you can spam press this to ensure you don’t miss it if it’s nearby but you don’t directly see it.

Once you find it, simply interact with it, complete the dialog to feed it and the mount is yours!

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