Frightened Kodo

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Frightened Kodo

Family: Kodo

Type: Rare Spawn

Faction: Both

Zone: Darkshore

Dropped From: Frightened Kodo

Recommended Level: Level 40

Skill Level: 4/10

Respawn Time: 2-8 Hours

Drop Chance: 100%

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The Frightened Kodo mount is obtained by finding the rare spawn Frightened Kodo within the warfront phasing of Darkshore. It has a 2-8 hour respawn and remains for only a couple of minutes before despawning again. Simply clicking on it and finishing the cast will reward you with the mount.

The Frightened Kodo rare has six spawn locations within Darkshore that are all fairly close to each other, it doesn’t take long to do a loop of the spawn locations so is advised to better your odds of finding it. We would also recommend creating a macro to spam press while flying through the spawn locations to help you spot it.

/tar frightened kodo 

Once it spawns it will walk backward and forwards on its spawn spot, you will click it to begin a channel and must remain still until the channel ends. Only one person will be able to get the mount as it will despawn after the channel is finished.

To access the correct Darkshore phasing you need to be at least level 45+ and may need to do the introductory quest at your Warfront Table in Port of Zandalar for Horde or Boralus docks for Alliance.

The mount can be gotten on a Class Trial currently, so making use of Class Trials to look for it on less contested realms is advised. The Frightened Kodo can spawn regardless of which faction is currently in control of Darkshore

Depending on who is in control of Darkshore will also change the available rares and their locations. If your faction is in control, you will also find a helpful portal near your Warfront table that will take you to Darkshore.

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