Ivory Cloud Serpent

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Ivory Cloud Serpent

Family: Cloud Serpent / Dragon

Type: Rare Spawn

Faction: Both

Zone: Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Mogu Assaults Phasing)

Dropped From: Ivory Cloud Serpent

Recommended Level: Level 50

Skill Level: 3/10

Respawn Time: 1-3 hours

Drop Chance: 100%

Ivory Cloud Serpent
Click image to view in 3D


Unlocking Vale Phasing

You’ll need to unlock World Quests, to do that you will need to be Friendly with Voldunai, Zandalari Empire and Talanjis Expedition for Horde or Storm’s Wake, Order of Embers, Proudmoore Admiralty. Once done head to your factions ship in Port of Dazaralor or Boralus.

Next up you’ll have to unlock Nazjatar. This will be obtained from Nathanos or Greymane on your factions ship.

Follow the questline and you’ll quickly arrive in Nazjatar, once there you’ll complete approximately 9 quests to finish the introduction. Once magni arrives it’s time to start his quest chain. Starting with Essential Empowerment you’ll head to the Chamber of Heart in Silithus.

He will then send you to Neltharion’s Lair in Highmountain. Complete the scenario and finally head back to the chamber and you’ll now unlock essences.

You’ve now reached the point where you can start the 8.3 quest chain. This quest should automatically appear, if it doesn’t try relogging or heading to a BFA zone. The quest for Alliance will be “An Unwelcome Advisor” for Horde it will be “Return of the Black Prince.

This will have you aiding Magni once more, firstly heading to Uldum to solve the problems there and after you will complete the Uldum Assault taking place, after this you will be sent back to the Chamber of Heart and aiding Magni once more but this time over at the Mogu’shan Vaults, shortly after you will head to the Vale and the Assault phasing will be unlocked.

The Ivory Cloud Serpent mount is a guaranteed drop from the Ivory Cloud Serpent rare spawn. However instead of defeating it, you must instead capture it with the Zan-tien Lasso.

To access the correct phasing of Vale you need to be at least level 50 currently and need to be progressed enough through the 8.3 Magni quest line (See above for more info).

Obtaining Zan-tien Lasso

These drop from the mogu within the 8.3 phasing of Vale of Eternal Blossoms. You can get a drop from any of the three clans of Mogu within the zone and it doesn’t matter which assault is currently taking place. The drop chance is quite low however, so do expect to be farming awhile for a drop.

Getting the Ivory Cloud Serpent

Now that you have the Zan-tien Lasso. The next step is to capture the Ivory Cloud Serpent, it will only appear during a Mogu Assault, so if a Mantid or N’zoth Assault is currently taking place it can not spawn.

It will spawn fairly high in the sky just North/East of Setting Sun Garrison and then begin to fly around the zone clockwise following a set path. The best approach would be to wait at it’s spawn location and spam a macro to use the item once it spawns.

#showtooltip item:174927
/stopmacro [channeling:Catching]
/tar Ivory Cloud Serpent
/use Zan-Tien Lasso

The item can be used while mounted but can’t be used while moving, so ensure you stay stationary when trying to use it and while the channel goes through. Although the item can not be used in Flight Form so ensure you’re on a mount Druids.

You will get hit by the Worms in the sky and slowed but generally this shouldn’t be an issue if you’re the right height which is about the same height as the mountain to the left of Whitepetal Lake.

If you miss the spawn and it begins on its path then I would recommend dismounting and falling to your death to reset the slow stacks and then fly to somewhere on it’s path and wait for it to pass by again, assuming nobody else has caught it.

If there are other players wait at the spawn location, that’s not a problem either as once someone catches it, it will remain around for an additional few seconds before it despawns, allowing others to catch it also.

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