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Kua’fon’s Harness

Family: Pterrodax

Type: Dailies / Quest Chain

Faction: Horde (Usable on both)

Zone: Zuldazar

Recommended Level: Level 50

Skill Level: 2/10

Time to Get: 1 Month

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Kua’fon mount is raised by Horde players in a series of daily quests that are started with a rare drop egg.

1) Start off by farming out a pterrordax egg. It drops from various Pterrordaxes in Zuldazar, and one of the best places to farm it is this spot with a bunch of Bloodraged Pterrodaxes in the northern part of the city. Egg is a rare drop, so you might have to spend a few hours. Consider doing this in a group to speed up your efforts.

2) Egg will start off a quest chain with A Child of Pa’ku and shortly after you will end up tending to your hatchling. At this point you will have one daily quest per day and occasional straightforward non-repeatable quests each time Kua’fon grows. After about a month of dailies, he will become a mount. Since Kua’fon’s progress bar is not a reputation, you cannot speed up the process.

3) Initially Kua’fon can’t fly, but if you have Battle for Azeroth pathfinder, part two achievement, you will have a quest from Pa’ku that will unlock his flying through some questionable means after you obtain the mount.

Extra tips: Though the entirety of questing happens on a horde side, the mount is usable on alliance characters and does count towards the meta collecting achievements.

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