Smoky Direwolf

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Smoky Direwolf

Family: Wolf

Type: Scenario / Low Drop

Faction: Both

Zone: Garrison Shadowmoon Valley / Frostfire Ridge

Recommended Level: Level 50

Drop Chance: 2%

Skill Level: 2/10

Smoky Direwolf
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The Smoky Direwolf mount is a low drop from Invasions in your WoD Garrison. There are two types of Invasions, the first is just a standard defence of your Garrison on a timer. The second is an Invasion Boss where you just battle one boss in your Garrison. The mount has roughly a 2% drop rate from completing the standard Invasion at Gold or Platinum level (levels explained later) or from the Invasion Boss once defeated.

You can recieve one of four mounts as the reward, Garn Steelmaw, Giant Coldsnout, Smoky Direwolf and Shadowhide Pearltusk. Unfortunately receiving a duplicate is possible.

Unlocking Your Garrison

There is three different options when it comes to unlocking your Garrison:

Warlords of Draenor Intro Scenario

If you are levelling a new character when you hit level 90 you will automatically get the quest The Dark Portal, which requires you to go to the Blasted Lands and speak to Khadgar.

If you are trying to do this on an existing character that hasn’t already unlocked their garrison then you can pick up the quest directly from Khadgar in front of the Dark Portal.

Once in the scenario there will be a series of small quest chains to complete as you work to stop the Iron Horde from breaching the Dark Portal into Azeroth. Follow Khadgar’s instructions until you shut down the dark portal. There are a few more quests that lead you to Kargath’s arena, fighting your way out of this and completing a few more trivial quests will eventually lead you to a giant Iron Horde cannon, which is used to destroy the Dark Portal before you make your escape and complete the scenario.

Once you have completed all of that you will find yourself in one of two new zones, Frostfire Ridge for Horde characters and Shadowmoon Valley for Alliance characters.

Complete one last small quest line and you’ll have complete access to your Garrison. 

Portal to Stormshield / Warspear

For this method simply head to your factions portal room and take the portal to Stormshield for Alliance players and to Warspear for Horde players, from here make your way across the sea towards Tanaan Jungle. This will be considerably faster for those with flying, however it is still possible for those without it, just be prepared for a long swim.

Once there Horde players will need to head to the central southern part of Frostfire Ridge and speak to Farseer Drek’Thar. He will give you the quest A Song of Frost and Fire, from here complete a few quests in this chain and you will unlock your garrison.

Alliance players need to head to the north-west part of Shadowmoon Valley to find Prophet Velen. The prophet will give you the quest Finding a Foothold, completing this chain will unlock your garrison.

Timeless isle

For this method head to Pandaria and make your way down to the Timeless Isle in the south-east of Jade Forest. Once there head south-east of the Celestial Court and make your way to the coast. Head out to sea a little, towards the boat icon on the map, before you get there turn around and go underwater you should see a cave entrance, this is where you’ll need to go. Inside you’ll see four chairs surrounding a campfire; sit on one of these chairs, click the campfire and then you’ll be ported to Gorgrond in Draenor.

Once there Horde players will need to head to the central southern part of Frostfire Ridge and speak to Farseer Drek’Thar. He will give you the quest A Song of Frost and Fire,

from here complete a few quests in this chain and you will unlock your garrison.

Alliance players need to head to the north-west part of Shadowmoon Valley to find Prophet Velen. The prophet will give you the quest Finding a Foothold, completing this chain will unlock your garrison.

Garrison Defense Invasion

These can be done with Level 2 or Level 3 Garrisons. So upgrade if you’re currently in a Level 1 Garrison. From here you will want to pick up a Missive from Sergeant Crowler as Alliance or Sergeant Grimjaw as Horde, these NPCs can be found within your Garrison.

It doesn’t matter which Missive you purchase, just complete the Missive, hand it in and then speak with Crowler or Grimjaw once more. They should now have a quest for you that is x Invasion!. The name x changes to whatever mob type you will be fighting off in the Invasion but the mob type doesn’t change the mount reward chance.

You will speak with this NPC again to start the Invasion. From here follow the stages and defeat the enemies within your Garrison. The more enemies you defeat and buildings you save, you will get points. 300+ for Bronze, 600+ for Silver, 1000+ for Gold and 1300+ for Platinum.

Only the Gold (Invader’s Forgotten Treasure) and Platinum (Routed Invader’s Create of Spoils) bags can contain the mounts, so your goal should be reaching 1300 points so that you receive both the Gold and Platinum bags. This is fairly trivial to do though as your Garrison guards will scale to your level, while the enemies will be capped to the expansions level.

You can also join friends with their Invasion but you can only receive Garrison Defense Invasion bags once per week, regardless of who’s invasion you are doing.

Once completed you can open your bags and hope to receive the mount.

Garrison Invasion Boss

When completing Garrison Defense Invasions, you have a chance of receiving an item such as Heart of Oak, using this within your Garrison will spawn the Garrison Invasion Boss. You can repeat Garrision Defense Invasions until you get a Boss summon item.

Once the boss is defeated will have a chance of awarding you with one of the four mounts. You can only kill one Garrison Invasion Boss per week and you can help other players with their Garrison Invasion Boss to receive loot if you haven’t already killed a Boss that week.

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