Stonehide Elderhorn

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Stonehide Elderhorn

Family: Elderhorn

Type: Island Expeditions

Mob Type: Moose

Contained Within: Any 175 or 120 cost Crate

Faction: Neutral

Recommended Level: Level 50

Skill Level: 2/10

Drop Chance: Sub 1%

Stonehide Elderhorn
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The Stonehide Elderhorn mount can be obtained from Island Expeditions, a feature that was added in Battle for Azeroth. The Stonehide Elderhorn can be awarded from the end of an Island Expedition if Moose were present on the Island. It can alternatively be contained in any 175 or 120 costing Crates which you can purchase with a currency obtained from completing Island Expeditions although it’s not always purchasable as the inventory changes each week.

The mounts drop chance increases based on the difficulty of the Island Expedition but even from Mythic, it is assumed to be at or under a 1% drop rate.

Although the Crates have a much higher chance of dropping the mount, it is estimated to be on around 5% chance.

How Island Expeditions Work

Island Expeditions are a Player vs AIPlayers vs PvE or Player vs Player vs PvE experience. You will go in with a team of three and defeat various PvE enemies, collect Azerite from crystals or containers and complete events with the overall goal of collecting a set amount of Azerite before the enemy players or AI players does.

You can queue up for an Island Expeditions with the Expedition Map at the Port of Zandalar for Horde or Boralus for Alliance.

Island Expeditions currently require a group of three players but you can queue up to find the remaining two players for Normal and Heroic difficulty. Mythic and PvP difficulty will require you to have a premade group however.

On the Island you face a preset mob type. Depending on this mob type will depend on the rewards you can get afterwards. So if you face Twilight Dragons, you’ll have a small chance of receiving the Twilight Avenger mount once the Island Expedition is complete.

You’ll also receive Seafarer’s Dubloon as well. These can be used to purchase items and crates that can contain the various Island Expedition Mounts.

You can also increase the amount of Dubloons you get by advancing a perk tree that you can work on at your factions ship in Port of Zandalar or Boralus.

Spending Dubloons for Additional Mount Chances

The end of Island Expeditions aren’t the only source of the mount. You can also spend Seafarer’s Dubloons on crates from an NPC near the Expedition Map. Which crates the NPC is selling will change each week and each crate has it’s own loot table and it’s advisable to do this due to the better odds of obtaining the mount from the crates.

For this mount you would want to purchase the any 175 or 120 costing Crates when it’s available.

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