Underrot Crawg

5 Min Read

Underrot Crawg Harness

Family: Crawg

Type: Rare Drop

Faction: Both

Zone: Nazmir / Underrot Mythic / M+

Dropped By: Unbound Abomination (Mythic) or Challenger’s Cache (M+)

Recommended Level: Level 50

Skill Level: 5/10

Time Per Run: 15-30 Minutes

Drop Chance: 0.5%

Underrot Crawg
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The Underrot Crawg Harness is a mount drop from The Unbound Abomination in The Underrot on Mythic difficulty with roughly a 0.5% drop rate. The mount can also drop from the Mythic+ difficulty.

The Underrot has 4 bosses with the final boss being The Unbound Abomination.

Firstly you must make your way to Nazmir in Zandalar. As Horde, simply visit the portal room in Orgrimmar then run or fly to Nazmir. As alliance take the portal from Stormwind to Boralus, then visit the boat and speak to Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth to teleport to Nazmir. If you haven’t started the war campaign speak to Commander Wyrmbane and choose Nazmir on the Zandalar Campaign table.

Once you’re at the altar of rot jump down the hole then take a hard right.

Now that you’re inside follow my path and eventually you’ll reach The Unbound abomination. Here’s a small breakdown of all the bosses.

Elder Leaxa has 4 abilities. Blood bolt, this a casted ability which can be interrupted. Creeping Rot is an aoe which moves in the direction the boss is facing. Sanguine feast is small AoE around the boss. Finally Blood mirror creates a copy of the boss mirroring all the main abilities which can be killed.

Cragmaw the Infested has 3 main mechanics, Indigestion, a front cone ability. Charge, an ability which targets a random player then charges towards them and Tantrum, a large pulsing AoE which also causes the boss to run around the room. All of these mechanics are accompanied by Infested, small red pools on the floor which if not ran over spawn ticks.

Sporecaller Zancha spawns a circle of mushrooms around the room, these must be dealt with using the following mechanics. Shockwave is a frontal cone cast on the tank which destroys mushrooms. Upheaval is an aoe cast on players which goes off after a period of time which also destroys mushrooms if placed near them. A couple of times during the fight Volatile Pods will spawn around the room which must be dodged, otherwise they will leave a stacking dot on the player. Festering Harvest will consume all of the remaining mushrooms applying a dot on all players corresponding to how many mushrooms were left alive.

Unbound Abomination will cast Putrid Blood on all players, this will stack up. To deal with it the player that gets Cleansing Light must stack on all players and it will be dispelled. Frequently the boss will cast Vile Expulsion, which shoots AoE pools in front of him, the pools can be deleted via cleansing light. Unbound Abomination doesn’t take damage in the traditional sense, instead when his shield is broken two Blood Visages will spawn and once they die the boss will lose HP, these don’t need to be dealt with as a friendly NPC will kill them.

Once the final boss goes down the loot will be on the corpse in Mythic or in the chest on M+ and good luck!

Extra Tips

As this is a Mythic dungeon, you can only complete Mythic difficulty once per week, so run it on multiple characters each week for an additional chance. Alternatively Mythic+ can be repeated as much as you want and you will still have a chance at the mount, however Mythic+ will be removed in Shadowlands

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