Vicious War Ram

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Vicious War Ram

Family: Ram

Type: Vendor / PvP

Faction: Alliance

Zone: Stormwind

Sold By: Necrolord Sipe

Recommended Level: Level 120

Skill Level: 5/10

Vicious War Ram
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The Vicious War Ram mount is an Alliance only PvP mount and is sold by Necrolord Sipe for a Vicious Saddle in Stormwind.

Necrolord Sipe is the vendor that sells the Vicious War Ram

Obtaining a Vicious Saddle is a slightly tricky task though. Rating at 1.4k (Combatant) and above will earn you progression towards the current seasons PvP mount.

To complete this progress bar you would need either 240 2v2 wins, 80 3v3 wins or 40 Rated Battleground wins.

Although you can do any combination of these 3 activities to progress the bar. For example 40 3v3 wins and 20 Rated Battleground wins combined would complete the bar.

Once you have obtained the current seasons PvP mount, the bar will then reset and the next reward will be a Vicious Saddle. You then need to repeat the same process as previous and fill the bar once more. From here you can obtain as many Vicious Saddles as you wish by repeatedly filling the progress bar.

The other method is from completing the Veteran of the Alliance Achievements, this comes in three parts. Part 1 is 75 RBG wins, part 2 is 150 RBG wins and part 3 is 300 RBG wins. Each of these stages awarding a Vicious Saddle, making RBGs the most efficient way of obtaining the mounts but also the more difficult due to large group size.

After completing this fairly long PvP grind and obtaining your Vicious Saddle, next would be to head over to Necrolord Sipe and purchase your Vicious War Ram.

Where you will find Necrolord Sipe in Stormwind
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